Welcome Assoc Prof. Yongbo Liao,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China to be the TPC!

Welcome Assoc Prof. Yongbo Liao,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China to be the TPC!


Assoc Prof. Yongbo Liao,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 


Yongbo Liao, Associate professor, received bachelor's degree in Microelectronics Science and Technology from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 1999, Master's degree in microelectronics and solid-state electronics from Lanzhou University in July 2006, and Doctor's degree in microelectronics and solid-state electronics from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in July 2010. From 2014 to 2015, he was a state-sponsored visiting scholar at University of Kansas. October - November 2017, Visiting scholar of Belgium IMEC appointed by the state. From August to September 2018, he was a visiting scholar of Australian Robot Vision Center, University of Technology Sydney and Queensland University of Technology. Since July 1999, he has been teaching at UESTC for more than ten years. Engaged in scientific research work and completed more than 30 projects, including 863, 973 and nuclear high-tech projects, and other provincial and ministerial projects. Mainly concerned with the analysis, modeling and design methodology of high performance digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits, Such as brain algorithm, artificial intelligence algorithm, FPGA integrated circuit, CPLD integrated circuit, infrared readout circuit, calculator integrated circuit, digital audio power amplifier integrated circuit, detection readout integrated circuit and some other circuits; Power management integrated circuit design, such as DC/DC conversion chip, AC/DC conversion chip, PFC power factor compensation chip; Software/hardware co-simulation technology, such as the design and implementation of SOC soft/hardware co-verification system, software/hardware co-simulation system based on FPGA and Modelsim (EDA software); Research on micro energy harvesting system, including vibration energy harvesting, microwave energy harvesting and MPPT; Anti-nuclear reinforcement technology, such as total dose reinforcement circuit and anti-single particle flip and lock circuit design; Sensor readout circuit design, such as temperature sensor chip, infrared readout circuit chip and Geiger readout circuit chip. He has published more than 60 papers, obtained more than 30 Chinese invention patents, and published 5 books.

廖永波,教授,1999年电子科技大学获得微电子科学与技术学士学位,20067月在兰州大学获得微电子学与固体电子学硕士学位,20107月在电子科技大学获得微电子学与固体电子学博士学位。2014-2015年间,美国University of Kansas国家公派访问学者。201710-11月,国家公派比利时IMEC访问学者。20188-9月,国家公派澳大利亚机器人视觉中心、悉尼科技大学和昆士兰科技大学访问学者。19997月在电子科技大学留校任教,有十多年的教学及项目经验。从事科研工作参与并完成30多项,其中包括863973和核高基项目各一项,其他为省部级项目。主要涉及高性能数字和混合信号集成电路的分析、建模和设计方法论,如类脑算法、人工智能算法、FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)集成电路、CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)集成电路、红外读出电路、计算器集成电路、数字音频功放集成电路、检波读出集成电路和其他的一些电路;电源管理集成电路的设计,如DC/DC(直流到直流)变换芯片、AC/DC(直流到交流)转换芯片、PFC功率因数补偿芯片;软硬件协同技术,如SOC软硬协同验证系统的设计与实现、基于FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)及ModelsimEDA软件)的软硬件协同仿真系统;微能量收集系统的研究,包括振动能量收集、微波能量收集和MPPT(最大功率点追踪)的研究;抗核加固技术,如总剂量加固电路和抗单粒子翻转和闭锁电路设计;传感器读出电路设计,如温度传感器芯片、红外读出电路芯片和盖革读出电路芯片。发表论文60多篇,获得中国发明专利30多项,出版著作5本。